Fourth ATHEA Conference

Economics of child health
Vienna, 1st of March 2019

For the keynotes, the topic “Economics of Child Health“ was selected. Childhood is a very formative phase of a person’s health. Habits develop that will later promote or impede a healthy lifestyle. Physical development may or may not support resilience to disease, and lead, among others, to myopia, orthopedic diseases or even cancer. Also in the mental area, children can build resilience or develop susceptibility to mental disorders. Laying the foundation for health literacy at school may influence future health and health care decisions.

On the other hand, a childhood burdened with illness can massively hinder educational opportunities, thereby diminishing the chances of advancing on the social ladder, which in turn is closely related to later health. Preventive activities, such as vaccinations, are already being set up in childhood, and serious illnesses can occur that call for cost-intensive treatment. At the political level, child health has become increasingly important in recent years, and some countries have accordingly developed health strategies for children and adolescents.

As in previous years, abstract submissions in all fields of health economics and health policy, including long-term care, are welcome and not restricted to the conference topic.

We are happy to announce two interesting keynote speakers:

  • Nora Döring (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
  • Mark Stabile (INSEAD, France)

Nora Döring is postdoctoral researcher at the Karolinska Institute. Her research interests inlcude prevention of childhood obesity, cost-effectiveness of prevention, economic and societal consequences of (childhood) obesity.

Mark Stabile is the Stone Chaired Professor in Wealth Inequality, a Professor of Economics at INSEAD in Fontainebleau and was the founding Director of the School of Public Policy and Governance and Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Rotman School of Management, both at the University of Toronto. His recent work focuses on inequality, poverty, child health, health care financing, and tax policy.

As in previous years, abstract submission in all fields of health economics and health policy, including long-term care, are welcome and are not restricted to the conference topic.

Deadline for abstract submission (max. 500 words): extended to 15th of January 2019 to

Notification of accepted abstracts: 29th of January 2019

Registration for non-presenters: per email to

Conference venue: Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Josefstädter Straße 39, 1080 Vienna, Austria

Conference languages: English, German

Conference fee: 45 Euro

Download: Programme of 4th ATHEA Conference

Download: Book of Abstracts of 4th ATHEA Conference
